The Selectboard would like your input about certain procedures. The public's knowledge about different topics can certainly strengthen our position and is valued.
If you would like to participate, print and mark up a posting and return it to the Selectboard Administrative Assistant. Or cut and paste the section you wish to comment on and send an email.
Please sign and give contact information in case we need to contact you.
We'll leave these proposals on the site for 30 days.
Thank you for participation and helping your town.
Limerick Selectboard
Alesha Buzzell: email
Snail Mail:
Alesha Buzzell
Office of the Selectboard
55 Washington Street
Limerick, Maine 04048
Drop your written contribution off at the Selectboard's Office at the Municipal Office at
55 Washington Street or at a Selectboard Meeting on a Monday at 7 p.m. in the Media Room.