Limerick Water & Sewer
The Limerick Water and Sewer Districts are quasi-municipal utilities created in 1958 and 1955 respectfully, by acts of the Maine State Legislature. Today the service area includes portions of the upper village and the lower village.
We, at Limerick Water District, work hard to provide top quality water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect and preserve our drinking water resources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future. Please contact us with any questions. Thank you for working together for safe drinking water.
Anthony Carroll: Chair
Aaron Carroll: Licensed Class I Operator
Brian Havens
Brady Connors: Selectboard Chair
Jared Welsh Health Officer (207) 415-7032
Treasurer: Neil Meltzer
Bookkeeper: Gustof Lipin
Licensed Operator Service provided by Water Quality and Compliance Services
The Limerick Water District is overseen by a 3-member Board of Trustees that must be residents of Limerick and be elected. The terms are three years and staggered so that one board member is elected each year.
'Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine, as follows: Sec.!. P. & S. L., I955, c. I95, § 5, amended. Section 5 of chapter 195 of the private and special laws of 1955 is hereby amended by adding thereto a new paragraph, to read as follows: 'In addition to the officers set forth in this section, the chairman of the board of selectmen of the town of Limerick and the health officer of the town of Limerick shall be ex officio members of the board of trustees, with all the powers vested in them as are delegated to a regularly elected member of said board.' 98th Legislature of the State of Maine
Limerick Water and Sewer District
P.O. Box 180
Limerick, Maine 04048
Tel: 207-793-4401
The Limerick Water and Sewer District meets monthly on the first Thursday of each month from 10 am to Noon at the Municipal Building on Washington Street in the Media Room.
The Limerick Water District has completed the Service Line Inventory, and it may be viewed during office hours on Thursdays from 10 am to 2 pm at the Burnham Road office. To set up an appointment please call 207-793-4401.
The State of Maine, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Drinking Water Program (DWP) has issued a Categorical Exclusion in compliance with Section 6 of "Rules Relating to Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund, Chapter 230", on behalf of the Limerick Water District (LWD) of Limerick, Maine. Issuance of the Categorical Exclusion is to exempt a proposed action from formal Environmental Review requirements.
The proposed action is to purchase a parcel of land comprised of 45.5 acres in Limerick, Maine. As development and human activities have the potential to contaminate public water supply sources, the DWP considers land ownership the most desirable means of protection. The full parcel is within Limerick Water District's wellhead protection area located near the intersection of Emery Corner Road and Quarry Road in Limerick, as delineated by Dirigo Engineering in their "New Well Approval Report for Limerick Water District Auxiliary Well for the Limerick Water District, July 13, 2021".
A review of the proposed action by the DWP has indicated that it meets the criteria for Categorical Exclusion. Specifically, the proposed action is the purchase of land integral to the implementation of a source water protection plan. Furthermore, none of the criteria which would result in the denial of a Categorical Exclusion have been met. This exclusion may be revoked at any time if the criteria used for this issuance are violated.
Further records of this project are on file and are available for review at the office of the Limerick Water District, 316 Burnham Road, Limerick, ME, 04048, and at the Department of Health and Human Services, Drinking Water Program, 286 Water Street, Augusta, Maine.
The Water and Sewer District continue to work with the Town's Revitalization Committee on the Hollandville Project which will improve the distribution system on Westcott, Maple and Prospect streets. $500,000 CDBG funds have been awarded. Awaiting additional funding announcement by year's end from Rep. Chellie Pingree's Office. If balance is awarded, work is expected to occur in 2023.
February 2022 - Emery Corner new well online.
February 2022 - Application for the Hollandville Project sewer portion will be submitted in March to the Clean Water revolving fund. This is a loan with a percentage forgiven.
January 2022 - The Town of Limerick has been invited by the Department of Economic and Community Development to submit a grant application in March for a CDBG grant sponsored by the town's Revitalization Committee.
August 2021 - With the help of a matching grant we have drilled a new well and are working through the process of having it approved by the necessary regulatory agencies.
August 2021 - We are working with the town's Revitalization Committee on a 2022 CDBG grant application and reviewing other funding possibilities for the Hollandville Project.
October 1, 2021 - Applications for water portion of the Hollandville Project were submitted to the Maine Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. This is a loan with a percentage forgiven.
December2020 - Comprehensive Facilities Study of Limerick Water District complete. Study commissioned by the Town of Limerick.